Closing your Leadership Gap through Apps, Books and Coaching

Overcoming Leadership Pain Points With Apps and Books

Leadership Pain Points

Every leader encounters challenges that can hinder their growth and effectiveness. From managing time to keeping teams motivated, these leadership pain points can make leadership feel overwhelming. But here’s the good news: these challenges are solvable. With the right tools—apps, books, and coaching—you can overcome these leadership challenges and grow into the leader you’re meant to be.

This post will explore common leadership pain points and provide practical ways to overcome them using specific apps, books, and coaching techniques from the ABC Growth System—leveraging Apps, Books, and Coaching to help you thrive. You’ll also read success stories of leaders who have implemented these strategies and seen incredible results. This is not meant to suggest the apps and books mentioned in this post are the only ones. The resources mentioned in this post are only ones that were discovered the best fit for specific people and their specific needs.

Common Leadership Pain Points and How to Overcome Them

1. Lack of Time Management

Pain Point:

Time management is a common struggle for leaders. Between meetings, emails, and decision-making, it’s easy to feel like you’re constantly behind. This feeling can lead to burnout, frustration, and stalled productivity.


You can overcome this by organizing your tasks and focusing on what truly matters. Time management tools can help you streamline your workload and prioritize tasks effectively.

Recommended Apps:

Trello: Trello is a powerful project management tool that visually organizes tasks, helping you break them down into manageable steps. Many leaders use Trello to track daily priorities and stay focused on high-impact activities.

Tip: Set up a weekly review board in Trello to identify your most important tasks at the start of each week.

RescueTime: This app tracks how you spend your time on your devices, offering insights into your most productive (and unproductive) hours. Leaders can use RescueTime to identify time-wasting activities and refocus on essential work.

Recommended Books:

•“Essentialism” by Greg McKeown: Essentialism teaches leaders how to focus on what truly matters, eliminating distractions and unnecessary tasks. By applying the principles of Essentialism, leaders can take back control of their schedules.

•“Deep Work” by Cal Newport: Newport’s book emphasizes the importance of deep, focused work. By minimizing distractions and committing to longer periods of concentration, leaders can produce more meaningful work in less time.

Success Story:

Jessica, a marketing director, struggled with managing her time and staying productive. She was constantly putting out fires, leaving no time for strategic work. After implementing the ABC Growth System, she started using Trello to organize her weekly tasks and RescueTime to analyze where her time was going. She then applied principles from Deep Work, blocking out two hours each morning for uninterrupted focus. In just a few months, Jessica saw a dramatic improvement in her productivity and felt more in control of her time than ever before.

Practical Steps:

1.Set up Trello boards for daily, weekly, and monthly tasks to stay organized and on track.

2.Use RescueTime to identify unproductive activities and set boundaries around how you spend your workday.

3.Block two hours of uninterrupted focus time every day, applying Deep Work principles.

Pain Point:

Many leaders struggle to delegate effectively. Whether it’s a fear of losing control or a lack of trust in the team, holding onto tasks that could be delegated often leads to burnout and bottlenecked projects.


Delegation is essential for leadership success. The key is to use tools that make delegating tasks clear and maintain accountability without micromanaging.

Recommended Apps:

•Asana: Asana allows you to assign tasks, set deadlines, and track progress in real time. Leaders can use it to delegate responsibilities and follow up on deliverables.

Tip: Create clear project templates in Asana so you can easily assign tasks to team members and track their progress.

Slack: Slack facilitates team communication, helping leaders give quick feedback and delegate tasks without endless email threads. You can create channels dedicated to different projects, making delegation seamless.

Recommended Books:

•“The One Minute Manager Meets the Monkey” by Ken Blanchard: This classic book offers simple yet powerful advice on how to delegate effectively, helping leaders avoid taking on unnecessary burdens from their team.

•“The Art of Delegation” by Charles Coonradt: Coonradt’s book provides actionable strategies for delegation, emphasizing trust-building and leadership efficiency.

Success Story:

Tom, the CEO of a growing tech startup, was constantly overwhelmed because he felt the need to personally oversee every aspect of the business. After learning from The One Minute Manager, he started using Asana to assign specific tasks to his managers and trusted them to follow through. By also using Slack to stay in touch, Tom was able to focus on high-level strategy without being bogged down by operational details. This shift allowed the business to scale, as Tom empowered his team to step up.

Practical Steps:

1.Use Asana to assign tasks with clear deadlines and follow up using their tracking tools.

2.Set up Slack channels to communicate project updates and encourage collaboration without micromanaging.

3.Apply the principles from The One Minute Manager to build trust with your team and delegate without stress.

3. Decision Fatigue

Pain Point:

Leaders make countless decisions each day. Over time, this can lead to decision fatigue, causing leaders to feel mentally drained and less capable of making good choices.


Simplify decision-making by breaking down complex choices into smaller tasks and using tools that prioritize decisions based on urgency and importance.

Recommended Apps:

•Todoist: Todoist helps you organize decisions and tasks based on priority and deadline. By structuring your decisions and offloading them into a task management system, you can prevent decision fatigue.

•Evernote: Evernote is a note-taking app that allows leaders to collect ideas, research, and notes all in one place. By keeping decision-related information organized, leaders can streamline the decision-making process.

Recommended Books:

•“Thinking, Fast and Slow” by Daniel Kahneman: Kahneman explains how decision-making works and offers strategies for leaders to optimize their mental processes, avoiding burnout from too many decisions.

•“Atomic Habits” by James Clear: Building habits is an effective way to reduce the need for constant decision-making. Clear’s book shows leaders how to automate routines, freeing up mental space for more important decisions.

Success Story:

Rachel, a team leader at a nonprofit, often found herself mentally exhausted by the end of the day, struggling to make even simple decisions. After adopting Atomic Habits principles, she built new habits around her daily routines to reduce her mental load. Using Todoist to organize tasks and Evernote to store important information, Rachel reduced her decision fatigue and saw her energy—and decision-making quality—improve.

Practical Steps:

1.Use Todoist to list and prioritize decisions, tackling the most important ones first.

2.Store all decision-related notes and research in Evernote to have everything in one place.

3.Implement daily habits from Atomic Habits to automate routine decisions and save mental energy.

4. Managing Team Motivation and Engagement

Pain Point:

Keeping a team motivated and engaged over the long term is one of the biggest challenges for leaders. Without proper engagement, productivity declines, and team morale suffers.


Effective communication and regular feedback are key to sustaining motivation and engagement. Use tools that encourage continuous dialogue and keep everyone aligned with team goals.

Recommended Apps:

•Weekdone (Free alternative to 15Five): Weekdone helps leaders check in with their teams weekly, track progress, and provide feedback. This continuous feedback loop keeps teams engaged and aligned with their goals.

•Microsoft Teams: Teams allows for real-time collaboration and communication, fostering an environment where team members can share ideas and work together.

Recommended Books:

•“Drive” by Daniel Pink: Pink explores what truly motivates people—autonomy, mastery, and purpose—and provides practical ways leaders can create environments that foster these motivators.

•“The Five Dysfunctions of a Team” by Patrick Lencioni: Lencioni outlines the common pitfalls that teams fall into and offers practical advice on how leaders can resolve these issues and create stronger teams.

Success Story:

Alex, a sales team leader, was struggling to keep his team engaged. Productivity had slipped, and morale was low. After implementing Weekdone for weekly feedback and using Drive to revamp his approach to team motivation, Alex started seeing major improvements. His team began hitting their sales targets consistently, and morale soared. Weekly check-ins allowed for real-time course corrections, and the team felt more aligned with their purpose.

Practical Steps:

1.Implement Weekdone to set clear weekly objectives for your team and provide feedback regularly.

2.Set up collaborative channels in Microsoft Teams to encourage idea-sharing and teamwork.

3.Apply principles from Drive by giving team members more autonomy and tying their work to a larger purpose.

5. Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

Pain Point:

Imposter syndrome affects many leaders, causing self-doubt and fear that they aren’t qualified for their role. This can undermine confidence and prevent leaders from reaching their full potential.


Building self-confidence and practicing mindfulness are effective ways to combat imposter syndrome. Tools and resources that support personal growth and mental well-being can help leaders overcome this challenge.

Recommended Apps:

•Mindvalley: Mindvalley offers courses on personal development and leadership, helping leaders build confidence and overcome self-doubt.

•Calm: Calm is a meditation and mindfulness app that can help leaders manage stress and develop a greater sense of inner confidence.

Recommended Books:

•“The Confidence Code” by Katty Kay and Claire Shipman: This book explores the science behind confidence and offers practical tips for building it.

•“Dare to Lead” by Brené Brown: Brown’s work focuses on courage and vulnerability in leadership, providing leaders with the tools to embrace their authentic selves and overcome imposter syndrome.

Success Story:

David, a recently promoted manager, was battling imposter syndrome, constantly questioning whether he deserved his role. He began using the Calm app for daily mindfulness practices and took leadership courses on Mindvalley to build his confidence. By applying what he learned in The Confidence Code, David was able to shift his mindset and step into his leadership role with self-assurance.

Practical Steps:

1.Start a daily mindfulness routine using Calm to reduce stress and build inner confidence.

2.Enroll in a leadership course on Mindvalley focused on self-development and confidence building.

3.Use insights from The Confidence Code to recognize and challenge self-doubt.

The Role of Coaching in Overcoming Leadership Pain Points

While apps and books are invaluable resources, coaching is the glue that ties the ABC Growth System together. A coach provides personalized guidance and accountability, helping leaders apply the principles they’ve learned from these tools to real-life situations. Coaching also offers a fresh perspective on challenges, ensuring lasting growth.


Overcoming leadership pain points is not only possible—it’s essential for growth. By leveraging the right apps, reading the right books, and working with a coach, you can tackle your challenges head-on and grow into a more effective leader. The ABC Growth System offers a clear path forward: start by implementing these practical tools and take the next step toward leadership success.

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