Closing your Leadership Gap through Apps, Books and Coaching

Overcoming Leadership Development Pain Points

Leadership development pain points

Common Leadership Development Pain Points

For many organizations, developing leaders is very time-consuming and expensive. This process can be much more effective through proactive measures; instead of waiting for issues to appear, the organization should engage in periodic self-assessments to identify potential leadership development pain points. Below are some common leadership development pain points and actionable insights for overcoming them through the development of your leadership teams.

Not enough resources are dedicated to training leaders for the organization’s growth.

This is an exact leadership development pain point that often isn’t recognized until an obvious problem emerges.

For instance, a thriving organization might realize that they need to level up their approach to leadership development. Still, those who are currently in the position to be developed into more effective leaders are essentially drowning in trying to keep pace with the organization’s growth. The most effective approach to easing this pain point has a strategy in place that assesses the growth of your organization and how to develop the leadership team accordingly.

The most effective way to assess the growth of your organization is by looking at two key indicators.

First, measure your turnover rates for leadership positions to see which departments are understaffed and how it’s affecting your bottom line. Second, measure any gaps in skills between what you’re currently hiring for and the future needs you see coming down the pipe.

If there are issues with either of these metrics, begin developing a strategy that will provide training programs that meet each department head’s needs and their teams. The more tailored this solution is, the better chance it will achieve its desired outcome: increased growth for an organization or company.

The Separation Between Identifying & Solving Leadership Gaps

While influential leaders are aware of some leadership development pain points, they sometimes have difficulty translating this awareness into actionable steps.

For instance, if an organization or department is understaffed and can’t hire more employees quickly enough, they need to develop training programs to help current employees compensate for the lack of available resources. Effective leaders also need to identify particular weaknesses in their teams that hurt productivity; nothing gets solved when there are communication breakdowns between team members. Again, influential leaders know there’s a problem but may not be sure how to produce a solution effectively.

Training & Development Options

1) Leadership Training Programs: These types of training are often created in-house with feedback from both new and existing employees to create a more effective program.

For instance, new leadership hires might be surveyed on their experience during onboarding and whether or not they feel adequately prepared for their roles. At the same time, existing employees might be asked if the training helped them learn anything that could lead to increased success in their specific role within the organization.

By finding out what types of training are most helpful, an organization can better determine which areas need reinforcement for everything from interpersonal skills to financial literacy.

2) External Leadership Trainers: Sometimes, in-house development programs aren’t enough. An external trainer might have experience working in similar organizations or even at higher levels in the same company, making them uniquely suited for problem-solving.

The downside to this type of training is that a company might lack the ability to prescribe long-term goals for its leaders and, because outside sources typically develop these programs, may miss out on critical insights from within.

3) In-House Programs: In some cases, leadership trainers want to work directly with an organization or team to produce a long-lasting solution. Training might be done in groups or even one-on-one depending on the organization’s needs.

Additionally, there’s more opportunity for customization and targeted development when an external trainer works in tandem with internal stakeholders who can provide real-world feedback and meet organizational priorities and needs.

4) Leadership Development Games: These programs are typically less formal and work best as a team-building exercise. Role-playing and other simulations help employees practice challenging leadership skills in a safe environment to try new ideas and hone existing ones.

For instance, imagine trying to lead a team of people who all have very different backgrounds or experiences: influential leaders will come up with individual solutions for each person and present one cohesive plan that brings them together.

Another benefit is that it’s often low-cost/free because participants contribute their insights into the process, making it more customizable.

5) Leadership Talks: Sometimes, an organization needs someone outside its walls to come in and solely talk about their experiences (good and bad) as a leader.

This person can be helpful because it provides organizations with someone new to the industry, which might offer new perspectives on solutions they haven’t thought of yet, and provides insight from within the organization through any employees who have chosen to make presentations.

6) Leadership Workshops: This type of training is similar to games but offers more opportunities for collaboration and insight. Again, this type of training is typically low-cost/free and allows leadership trainees to provide input throughout the process.

One benefit here might be that setting up a workshop can be done quickly if an organization’s leadership team hasn’t been identified yet or doesn’t yet exist.

7) Virtual Leadership Training: Since there are all kinds of leaders, it only makes sense that training takes place in all sorts of places!

For instance, virtual leadership training can take place anywhere where participants have internet access and allow groups to meet at their convenience (so long as they do so when they aren’t interrupted).

The downside is that this type of training is not as effective as others because participants may have less engagement and participation.

8) Mobile Leadership Training: Last but not least, mobile leadership training offers almost all of the same benefits as virtual training with just a few differences.

For instance, virtual training doesn’t require participants to be in the same place simultaneously, but mobile training can offer personal coaching opportunities on the go.

One of the downsides of both types is that it tends to focus more on one-on-one interactions than group collaboration or work.

The best leadership development for a team depends on various factors, including the needs and concerns in your industry and what is in alignment with your organization’s vision and goals.

For example, some companies might need more training focusing on one-on-one interactions because they have a smaller workforce or a higher turnover rate. At the same time, a larger organization might benefit from a leadership conference presented by external speakers.

In the end, what matters most is that you take the time to identify your organization’s needs and goals before determining how best to tackle them!

Now, what’s best for your team?

Organizational leadership development requires strategy, diligence, and an unwavering commitment to building your leadership culture. As a growth-focused organization, you don’t have time to let the common pain points slow you down. That’s where ABC Leadership wants to come in. At ABC Leadership, we’re committed to strategizing with you to grow and build a more robust leadership culture by using ABCs (Apps, Books, Coaching) specifically created for you.

Contact us to discover how we can support you or your organization today.

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