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10 Company Cultures That Encourage Employee Engagement

10 Company Cultures That Encourage Employee Engagement

Company Culture

Company culture is one of the most important factors in determining employee engagement. A positive company culture can lead to increased productivity and morale, while a negative company culture can lead to decreased motivation and job satisfaction. There are a variety of factors that contribute to company culture, but there are some commonalities that all great cultures share. Here are 10 company cultures that encourage employee engagement:


Purpose driven company culture doesn’t just happen. It’s the result of careful planning and execution. When company cultures are purpose-driven, employees feel like they are a part of something bigger and are more likely to be engaged in their work.

Building a purpose-driven company culture can seem like a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. Here are 10 companies that have successfully built purpose-driven company cultures:

1. Zappos

2. Amazon

3. Google

4. Facebook

5. Apple

6. LinkedIn

7. Salesforce

8. Twitter

9. Uber

10. Airbnb

Zappos, Amazon, Google, Facebook, Apple, LinkedIn, Salesforce, Twitter, Uber, and Airbnb are all companies that have built purpose-driven cultures. These companies have been successful in engage their employees and creating a positive work environment.

What these companies have in common is a clear sense of purpose. Each company has a mission statement that drives everything they do. For example, Zappos’ mission is “to provide the best customer service possible.” This mission is evident in everything they do, from their free shipping and returns policy to their 24/7 customer service.

Values employees.

Another commonality is that these companies all encourage employee input and feedback. They know that their employees are the experts on their jobs and they value their opinions. For example, Google has a “20% time” policy where employees can spend 20% of their time working on projects that interest them. This policy has leantd to the development of some of Google’s most popular products, like Gmail and Adsense.

Some companies go beyond just valuing employee input and allow employees to have a direct say in company decisions. Netflix, for example, gives all employees the power to approve or veto any new hire. This policy ensures that every new employee is a good fit for the company culture and will add value to the team.

These are just a few examples of company cultures that encourage employee engagement. There are many more out there, and I’m sure you can think of some from your own experience. What’s important is that you take the time to find and develop a company culture that works for you and your team. It will be worth the effort in the long run.


What does it look like to be transparent in a company culture? It means that the decision-making process is open and accessible to all employees. It also means that there is two-way communication between management and employees.

One company that does transparency well is Buffer, a social media management tool. They have a public Google Doc that anyone can view and edit that outlines their salaries, equity structure, and even how much vacation time each employee gets.

Buffer’s co-founder and CEO, Joel Gascoigne, is a strong advocate for transparency and has written about the benefits of it extensively. In one article, he said that transparency “helps to build trust, foster alignment and enable faster decisions.”

Transparency can be a bit of a shock to the system at first, but it’s worth considering if you want to build a company culture that encourages employee engagement.

Some ways you could provide transparencies in your company culture could be…

-Making your company’s decision-making process open and accessible to all employees.

-Encouraging two-way communication between you and employees.

-Being transparent about salaries, equity structures, and vacation time policies.

What are some other benefits of transparency in a company culture? Let us know in the comments!


Collaboration in a company culture is beneficial in many ways. For one, it encourages creativity and innovation as employees are able to share ideas with one another. It also builds trust and strengthens relationships between team members.

When everyone is working together towards a common goal, it can make even the most challenging tasks feel achievable. And when employees feel like they are part of a supportive team, they are more likely to be engaged in their work.

One company that does collaboration well is Atlassian, a software development company. They have a “ship it” culture where employees are encouraged to take risks and experiment with new ideas. This approach has led to the development of some of their most popular products, like Jira and Confluence.

If you want to create a company culture that encourages collaboration, here are some things you can do…

-Encourage employees to share ideas with one another.

-Build trust and strengthen relationships between team members.

-Create a supportive environment where everyone is working towards a common goal.

What are some other ways you can encourage collaboration in your company culture? Let us know in the comments!


Innovation is a wonderful thing to see in company culture. It means that employees are always looking for ways to improve and that they’re not afraid to try new things. When innovation is encouraged, it can lead to the development of new products, services, and even processes.

Innovative company cultures are often playful and fun as well. Employees are given the freedom to experiment and take risks. This type of environment can be very motivating and engaging for employees.

One company that does innovation well is Google. They are constantly experimenting with new ideas and they have a playful culture that encourages employees to have fun. One of their most famous slogans is “Don’t be evil,” which encapsulates their light-hearted and innovative approach to business.

If you want to create an innovative company culture, here are some things you can do…

-Encourage employees to experiment and take risks.

-Create a fun and playful environment.

-Encourage employees to come up with new ideas.

What are some other ways you can encourage innovation in your company culture? Share with the rest of us in the comments!


What does it mean to be customer focused? It means that the company’s primary goal is to provide an excellent experience for its customers. This can manifest in a number of ways, but the common thread is that the customer always comes first.

One company that does customer focus well is Amazon. Amazon’s customer service is legendary and they are always looking for new ways to improve the customer experience. In fact, they have a team of employees whose sole job is to think of new ways to make the customer experience better.

This focus on the customer extends to Amazon’s culture as well. Employees are encouraged to think like customers and put themselves in their shoes. This way of thinking has led to some of Amazon’s most innovative products, like the Kindle and Prime shipping.

If you want to build a company culture that encourages employee engagement, customer focus is a good place to start. Here are some things you can do…

-Encourage employees to think like customers.

-Put the customer first in everything you do.

-Strive to provide an excellent customer experience.

What have you done to ensure that your business stays customer centric?



Here is what we mean by being passionate when it comes to company culture? Company culture should instill a sense of pride and ownership in employees. They should feel like they are part of something larger than themselves and that their work is making a difference.

Passionate company cultures often have a strong sense of community. Employees feel like they are part of a family and they are willing to go above and beyond for the good of the company. This type of culture can be very motivating and engaging for employees.

One company that does passion well is Patagonia. Patagonia’s employees are passionate about environmentalism and they are always looking for ways to make a difference. This passion extends to their culture as well, which is focused on sustainability and giving back to the community.

If you want to create a passionate company culture, here are some things you can do…

-Encourage employees to be proud of their work.

-Make sure employees feel like they are part of something larger than themselves.

-Encourage employees to be passionate about their work.

What are some other ways you can encourage passion in your company culture?


What does it mean to be values-driven? It means that the company’s culture is based on a set of shared values. These values guide everything from the way employees interact with each other to the way they make decisions.

Values-based cultures are often very supportive and collaborative. Employees feel like they are part of a team and they are working towards a common goal. This type of culture can be very motivating and engaging for employees.

One company that does values well is Zappos. Zappos’ culture is based on 10 core values, which include things like customer service, innovation, and fun. These values guide everything the company does, from the way they treat their employees to the way they interact with customers.

If you want to create a values-based company culture, here are some things you can do…

-Identify the values that are important to your company.

-Make sure these values guide everything you do.

-Encourage employees to live these values every day.

What are some other ways you can encourage a values-based culture in your company?

Company culture is results-oriented.

Results are what we all look for in and through our businesses. Achieving results is a fundamental part of company culture, but it’s not always easy. In order to achieve results, employees need to be engaged and motivated.

Results-oriented cultures are often very focused and driven. Employees know what they need to do in order to succeed and they are held accountable for their performance. This type of culture can be very challenging and demanding, but it can also be very rewarding.

One company that does results well is Google. Google’s culture is all about innovation and they are always looking for new ways to improve their products and services. This focus on results has led to some of Apple’s most innovative products, like Apple’s iPhone.

If you want to create a results-oriented company culture, here are some things you can do…

-Encourage employees to be innovative.

-Challenge employees to think outside the box.

-Set high standards and hold employees accountable for their performance.

What are some other ways you can encourage a results-oriented?

Company culture is fun!

Here is a “fun” one to create in your company culture. It is not the most important ingredient but, if you ask any employee what they are looking for in a company culture… fun would definitely be up there on the list! A fun company culture can be very engaging and motivating for employees.

One company that does fun well is Google. Google has a very relaxed and playful culture, which includes things like free food and on-site massages. This fun culture has helped Google attract and retain some of the best employees in the world.

If you want to create a fun company culture, here are some things you can do…

-Encourage employees to take breaks and have fun.

-Make work feel like play.

-Create an environment that is relaxed and comfortable.

Now What?

We have shared 10 proven ingredients to provide a successful company culture. It is now your time to think through with your team, or by yourself, how to incorporate these and maybe others that we have not tackled in this post.

If you need help in mapping out ideas and the implication of those ideas, we may be able to help. Book a free coaching call.

Here’s to your success!

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