Transform Your Leadership Skills in Just 30 Days!

Unlock Your Potential with Our Free 30-Day Leadership Development Planner

Feeling Overwhelmed and Stuck in Your Leadership Role?

You’re not alone. Many leaders struggle with finding the right tools and strategies to boost their productivity and effectiveness. The constant juggling of tasks, meetings, and responsibilities can leave you feeling drained and unproductive. But it doesn’t have to be this way.

Meet the 30-Day Leadership Development Planner

Imagine having a clear, actionable plan to enhance your leadership skills and productivity. Our 30-Day Leadership Development Planner is designed to introduce you to powerful tools and techniques that will revolutionize the way you lead. From mastering Evernote as your second brain to integrating Trello for seamless project management, this planner has it all.


  • Daily exercises to enhance your productivity
  • Introduction to powerful tools like Evernote, Trello, ChatGPT, and more
  • Inspirational quotes and productivity tips
  • Step-by-step guides for tool integration
  • Personalized coaching techniques

See the Results

By following this planner, you’ll transform your leadership approach in just 30 days. You’ll gain confidence, improve your productivity, and learn how to leverage the right tools to achieve your goals. Here’s what you’ll experience:

  • Increased productivity with efficient tool usage
  • Enhanced decision-making skills
  • Better organization and task management
  • Improved team leadership and communication
  • A clear path to continuous improvement

What Our Users Say

"This planner has been a game-changer for me. The daily exercises and tool integrations have made me more productive and a better leader."
John D.
"I never realized the power of tools like Evernote and Trello until I used this planner and joined Todd's coaching. It's structured, easy to follow, and incredibly effective."
Sarah M.
Project Manager

Ready to Transform Your Leadership?

Don’t let another day go by feeling overwhelmed and unproductive. Download our free 30-Day Leadership Development Planner now and take the first step towards becoming the leader you were meant to be.

Still Have Questions?

We understand that investing time in a new system can be daunting. Here are some common questions and answers to help you feel confident in your decision:

Is this planner really free?
Yes, absolutely. We believe in providing value first, and this planner is completely free.

How much time do I need to dedicate each day?
Each daily exercise is designed to be completed in about 20-30 minutes.

Do I need any special tools or subscriptions?
No, we focus on free or widely accessible tools. We’ll guide you through using them effectively.

Take the First Step Towards Leadership Excellence

Join thousands of leaders who have already transformed their productivity and effectiveness. Download the 30-Day Leadership Development
Planner today.

leadership development planner

Stay Connected

For more tips, strategies, and insights, follow us on social media and subscribe to our newsletter. Together, we’ll help you achieve your leadership goals.